Google Maps Adds Hearing Loops Information

Google Maps has recently begun including hearing loops in the accessibility information on its website. This has received little notice from the national media or hearing loss–related entities but, for the hard of hearing, this is important news. A national database of looped venues has been a goal of hearing loop advocates for years and it’s finally becoming a reality. This action, a joint undertaking of the Get in the Hearing Loop Committee (GITHL) of the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) and Google Maps, is the latest example of the growing awareness and availability of hearing loops in public places.

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Partnering with Your Hearing Professional

Animated guide partnering with hearing care professional

Everyone who needs assistance and help with their hearing needs will benefit greatly by having a supportive and strong relationship with their hearing care professional.

IDA Institute has put together an informative and fun guide called Partnering for Great Hearing Care. This brand-new animated guide shows a great partnership in action and provides practical tips for both clinicians and clients for how to build a successful partnership, based on four building blocks: build trust, connect as people, be active partners, and invite family and friends.


March Presentation Lip Reading Summary

Those who attended our March chapter meeting enjoyed a great presentation about what is lip reading, how it can help us in noisy situations and training opportunities. And a special thank you to Ed Auer, Ph. D. and Nicole Jordan, Au.D. to take time out of their Saturday morning to present to us.

Some meeting notes to share:

There is a wonderful opportunity to participate in the speech recognition study. To learn more go to

You may also reach out Ed Auer, Ph.D., with any questions at

Clear masks options to review and purchase:

Watch the presentation below.

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Consumer Reports Articles to Figure Out Hearing Aids

Consumer ReportsSee the below articles from Consumer Reports outlining advice and tips for hearing aids, including shopping for them. Over-the-counter hearing aids are not far away so now is the time to get yourself informed!

It’s Confusing and Difficult to Shop for Hearing Aids. Here’s How to Figure It Out.

If you buy a direct-to-consumer (DTC) hearing aid and it doesn’t work for you, don’t give up, urges Barbara Kelley, executive director of the Hearing Loss Association of America. “It might just not be a good device,” she says. Return it and try again—or consider consulting an audiologist. There’s almost surely something out there that can help.

It’s likely that just as with DTC hearing aids, some makers of PSAPs will seek approval for their products as OTC hearing aids once the FDA finalizes the rules, says Kelley.

Your Guide to Hearing Helpers

AVA Presents at our October Meeting

When: Saturday, October 23, 2021
Time: 10 a.m. PT – 11 a.m. PT (but we may continue beyond 11 a.m.)
Where: Zoom meeting
Presenter: Pieter Doevendans – co-founder of AVA

AVA Captioning Logo

Come and join us for our October meeting. Join others for an informative and engaging presentation about the powerful AVA captioning app that easily allows you to live in a fully accessible world. Imagine a day when we will live in a 24/7 accessible world. AVA can help us get there!




Pieter Doevendans headshotPieter Doevendans, a co-founder of AVA, will present so grab some coffee and morning snacks and join us! There will be time afterward for questions and answers.
Learn more about AVA and their mission.


Any questions? Just email us at


Learning About Wireless Audio Streaming for Modern Hearing Aids

Hearing Tracker Logo

Hearing Loops and Bluetooth are hot topics of today for people with hearing aids that can support those technologies – which many do now. Do you know how they work and the latest developments with those technologies? Check out the insightful podcast from

About the podcast:

In today’s episode, we speak with two hearing aid experts to learn about wireless audio streaming in modern hearing aids. Today’s hearing aids can stream multimedia and calls from your phone, but also have the ability to tap into shared audio streams through magnetic induction loops, or “hearing loops”, which are installed in public spaces like auditoriums and churches. While hearing loops are the current state of the art, we’ll also learn about the Bluetooth future of shared audio streams.


  • Andrew Bellavia – Director of Market Development at Knowles Electronics, a supplier of hearing aid hardware.
  • Dr. Juliëtte Sterkens – An audiologist and strong lifelong advocate for hearing loops and people with hearing loss.

Watch Podcast

The Essentials for Caring for Hard of Hearing and Deaf Seniors

Caring for hearing of hearing elders imageAccording to the National Institute on Aging (NIH), approximately one in three people between the ages of 65 and 74 have hearing loss, and nearly half of those older than 75 have difficulty hearing. Yet for those who care for an elderly loved one, the additional challenges of their hearing loss is sometimes an afterthought.

Learn how to address these challenges beforehand to ensure your elderly loved one have the care and support they need while giving you peace of mind.

Special thanks to Noelle Bennett, a teacher and advisor at Learning Haven, for sharing this resource from her student Anna. Thank you Anna!

OTC Executive Order – Watch Now!

President Joe Biden’s new executive order, signed on Friday, July 9, includes a directive to HHS to consider issuing proposed rules within 120 days for allowing hearing aids to be sold over the counter. The executive order said that the four largest hearing aid manufacturers now control 84% of the market and that hearing aids, which cost more than $5,000 per pair, are “so expensive that only 14% of the approximately 48 million Americans with hearing loss use them.”

Watch how this could impact you in five different ways.

May 22 Finding Balance Meeting Recap

Alaina Bassett

Dr. Alaina Bassett

A big thank you to Dr. Alaina Bassett for a very engaging and informative presentation of the vestibular system. Our balance system is unique and is made up of many different systems working in concert to give us the ability to understand and navigate our surroundings.

Dr. Bassett started off her presentation discussing our balance system made up of the vestibular, visual and somatosensory systems. The anatomy and physiology of our inner ear and the particular functions each part plays in our hearing were discussed in-depth. Various testing techniques to understand and evaluate balance was shared to give the audience a better feel of what they should expect should they want to be tested.

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