March Meeting Recap: From Earthquakes to Birthday Cake! Part 1

Thank you Rick!

Thank you Rick!

We had another packed house on Saturday at our March 23rd chapter meeting, with many known and new faces. Attendees were captivated by our topic—“Emergency Preparedness for the Hard of Hearing,” presented by Rick Pope, who serves as the ADA Coordinator/ASL Interpreter for the City of Los Angeles. And before the meeting ended, everyone got a chance to celebrate an amazing lady for a very special milestone.

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February Meeting Recap – Relationships!

Our relationships panel from left to right: Teri, Sandy (moderator), Sharon, Jonathan, Wendi, and Chad.

Our relationships panel from left to right: Teri, Sandy (moderator), Sharon, Jonathan, Wendi, and Chad.

We had an awesome February meeting filled with sharing our stories and struggles with the daily challenges of hearing loss as it relates to our lives and those we love. We had a an outstanding relationships panels of all flavors including the dating world as a single woman, husband and wife, and mother and son.

Meeting transcript can be viewed here.

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Big Hit for our January Meeting!

(You can view the January meeting transcript here)

Katie presenting the latest hearing devices

Katie presenting the latest hearing devices

We had our best turnout yet since we moved to the Sherman Oaks library early last year. And not to disappoint, Katie Wright, a trainer with HLAA’s N-CHATT program (Network of Consumer Hearing Assistive Technology Trainers) did a great entertaining and informative session talking about the latest and greatest hearing assistive devices. Our own Liz Lesan assisted as well providing further information to members while they checked out the devices on their own.

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January 26 Meeting – All About Gadgets

2019 is underway, and so is HLAA-LA! We’ve planned a slate of informative meeting topics to help you navigate life as a person with hearing loss.

“Can’t hear your alarm in the morning? Worried about hearing your smoke alarm in the middle of the night? Want to know if your Amazon package is at the door? No worries! I’ll bring various alerting devices for you to explore – doorbells, alarm clocks, phone ring flashers, sound signalers, pagers – to name just a few. Come check them out!”

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November Meeting Recap

Some of our members enjoying catching up

On Saturday, November 3, HLAA–Los Angeles held a dynamic, interactive meeting that included our annual discussion topic, “Coping With The Holidays with Hearing Loss,” followed by an abundant Thanksgiving potluck with many sweet and savory treats. We shared our holiday frustrations and coping strategies, then got down to the serious business of eating all that food!

(Meeting transcript can be found here.)

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Recap – October 13 Rap Session

The HLAA logo flying high!

The HLAA logo flying high!

By Heather Lehr

This is what I learned at the recent HLAA-Los Angeles rap session: you are all a bunch of badasses.

But let me start from the beginning.

First of all, we met at Georgia’s gorgeous flat with a shining chandelier and deep Queen Anne wingback chairs. Delightful! Then Puay, of course, brought her addictive dark chocolate almond biscotti and Wendy shared her knock-you-over potato salad. It left me wondering why we call it a rap session instead of a bust-your-diet session.

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November 3 Meeting Update

Reminder: There’s no regular chapter meeting on October 27.

Join us the following Saturday, November 3 for our annual “Coping with the Holidays” rap session and “Potluck Thanksgiving Feast.” We have skits to illustrate the former and some yummy treats lined up for the latter. The more the merrier! Please RSVP to with the dish you’re bringing, so we can fill in any gaps for our buffet. So far, we have green salads, wild rice stuffing, homemade bread & veggies, spinach “quiche,” bagels, sweet potatoes and a dessert.

9:30am – setup and social; 10am-noon – meeting

Sherman Oaks Branch Library

14245 Moorpark Street, Sherman Oaks

This is our last regular chapter meeting in 2018. Details about our Holiday Party on December 8 are coming soon.


October – December Chapter Calendar

As 2018 winds down, it means one thing for our chapter.

Party Time!

October – The rap session on the 13th is a full house; thanks to Georgia for hosting. Remember that this takes the place of our regular meeting. If you show up at the library on the 27th, be prepared to be part of the kids Halloween party.

November 3rd – We’ll have our annual “Coping with the Holidays” chapter meeting, 10am-noon (come as early as 9:30) at the library, featuring some skits put together by Sandy Blake and input from all. Then, we’ll start the partying with a potluck lunch. Please bring a dish that can be shared by 8-10 people. RSVP with a hint of your food item to Jen,

December 8th – We’ll close out the year with our fantabulous evening holiday party, once again hosted by The Amazing Grace Tiessen at her beautiful home in Pasadena. Your Steering Committee will provide a catered meal. And, what would be our holiday party without a white elephant gift exchange? Stay tuned for further details!

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