Unlocking the World of Sound for Deaf Children

Children and hearingIt’s now more important than ever to unlock the potential of children by identifying and treating their hearing loss as soon as realized. Jane R. Madell, a pediatric audiology consultant and speech-language pathologist in Brooklyn, N.Y., shares eye-opening findings revolving around how beneficial it is to treat children with hearing loss, no matter how severe, as early as possible.

Check out this amazing and rewarding story here from the NY Times.

Deaf And Unemployed: Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands

Deaf and UnemployedThere’s no doubt someone hard of hearing or deaf faces numerous challenges finding a good job in the working world, but things are changing. More and more individuals hard of hearing or deaf are creating career opportunities by starting up their own businesses. Coupled with this is opportunities for those to work for these new and thriving businesses that ultimately show just how successful the sometimes considered separate worlds of the hearing or not can inspire and exist together in the working world.

Check out this inspiring article filled with hope and promise for those of us who struggle with the daily challenges of hearing loss. Enjoy!

January 26 Meeting – All About Gadgets

2019 is underway, and so is HLAA-LA! We’ve planned a slate of informative meeting topics to help you navigate life as a person with hearing loss.

“Can’t hear your alarm in the morning? Worried about hearing your smoke alarm in the middle of the night? Want to know if your Amazon package is at the door? No worries! I’ll bring various alerting devices for you to explore – doorbells, alarm clocks, phone ring flashers, sound signalers, pagers – to name just a few. Come check them out!”

» Read more

5 Misconceptions About Hearing Loss

Understanding Hearing LossMany visitors to our site may be just starting to experience the realization of their hearing loss and just what that means. Hearing loss is a difficult subject to understand and embrace but it should never be ignored. And there are steps you can take to slow down your hearing loss.

If you think you are experiencing hearing loss or just want to understand misconceptions about hearing loss, check out this article for more information.

Happy Hearing!


Learning More About What Tinnitus is All About

tinnitusAt least 25 million Americans experience some form of Tinnitus during the past year with some experts supporting an even staggering higher number close to 50 million. For those of you dealing with the struggles of Tinnitus, quality of life can often suffer with sometimes the ordeal being maddening.

But there are many ways to cope with Tinnitus starting with understanding and educating yourself more about this. Check out this interesting article to learn more and perhaps better appreciate how to cope with this challenging dilemma associated with your hearing.

September 22 Meeting Wrap-Up

Toni starting her great presentation about “Ins and Outs” about buying hearing aids

Long-time HLAA member Toni Barrient led us through “The Consumer’s Guide to Purchasing Hearing Aids.” The items she covered can also be applied to finding the best cochlear implant provider. Her talk was based on HLAA’s Consumer Checklist, which can be downloaded from https://www.hearingloss.org/wp-content/uploads/HLAA_Purchasing_HearingAid_Checklist.pdf?pdf=Checklist

Chapter meeting transcript is here.

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Understanding “Locked” Hearing Aids

Locked Hearing AidsAre you aware of the implications of buying a hearing aid from a “big-box” retailer? Meaning, if you need any adjustments made to your hearing aid, you must only go to that retailer or a very limited choice of associated retailers? It’s often easy and surprisingly common individuals looking for a hearing aid for the first time or looking to replace their existing one will follow the ease of going to a single retailer.

Hearing loss advocate and HLAA-California Trustee Toni Barrient, who has held numerous positions with the State and National organizations, presented this information during her ins and outs of buying a hearing at our September 22 chapter meeting. Please have a read to understand and learn more. It could make a big difference in your hearing aid buying experience!


Chapter Meeting – September 22, 2018

Buying a hearing aid

If you or someone you know is planning to purchase new hearing aids anytime in the future, our September meeting is for you! When you know what to expect, you are in a better position to make the right choices. This presentation will help you to maximize your success and outcome in selecting the best devices and features for you.

Our speaker is hearing loss advocate and HLAA-California Trustee Toni Barrient, who has held numerous positions with the State and National organizations. Toni will provide expert tips and guide attendees through the entire process of purchasing hearing aids, including what to look for and what to avoid, when shopping for your ears.

A valuable consumer checklist will be provided as a handout, so you know what to expect at every step, from making the appointment with your hearing aid provider to services, warranties, trial periods, and much more.

As a tie-in, CBS Sunday Morning has prepared a segment on the same topic, which will air at a later date. In the meantime, some good information is here https://www.cbsnews.com/news/guide-to-hearing-aids/

We’ll also have elections for the full steering committee. More details to follow shortly.

Please join us!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

9:30am, socializing – 10am-noon, meeting

Sherman Oaks Library
14245 Moorpark St, Sherman Oaks 91423

Dear Abby Recommends HLAA

Dear Abby Recommends HLAAHearing loss is not an uncommon challenge many people face, but how they handle it is another challenge in itself. No one should ever face some of the consequences of losing one’s hearing. This includes depression, avoiding meaningful social connections and feelings of helplessness.

Dear Abby publicly noted in her column addressing an individual struggling with hearing loss how the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) and associated state chapters can provide immediate support and help. The HLAA Los Angeles Chapter has provided this source of support, education and information for over 14 years and we want to continue to expand our outreach to those in need. Learn more via the HLAA National website how HLAA and chapters can help. Abby recommends it!

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