August 22 Virtual Chapter Meeting – Music Appreciation!

It’s that time again! Mark your calendars for our upcoming virtual chapter meeting to be held on Saturday, August 22 at 10 a.m. PT.

Ray Goldsworthy, Associate Professor of Research Otolaryngology at USC, will be speaking to us.  Ray is a cochlear implant wearer and a few years ago had a wonderful presentation to the chapter. Ray devotes his time and research to rehabilitation and recently received a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to undertake a project to bridge the gap between cochlear implant users and regaining their appreciation and love for music. Please join us for what will sure to be an engaging and “upbeat” meeting to learn how nothing has to stop your love of music!

Please note – Feel free to invite your loved ones and friends to who might benefit from this meeting, especially music lovers!

Zoom information – Please email us for the Zoom meeting link and information.

Important information

Captioning will be provided within Zoom for easy viewing and following along.

Zoom: Use a computer. If possible, attend the meeting on a computer rather than via a smartphone or iPad. This will give you the best layout to view the captions as well as other meeting features.

Meetings are captioned. How to See Closed Captions in ZOOM

We look forward to “seeing” you all on Saturday, August 22 at 10 a.m.!

If you have further questions, please email us.

Our July 25 Virtual Meeting was a Huge Success!

View the meeting transcript

We had an incredible meeting last Saturday – David Majit and Chalese Buttars of Oticon spoke to our group (we had a “full house” of more than 70 participants) on Brain Hearing and Communication Strategies. Local audiologist Jeff Grama was on hand to deftly answer every question (and there were many!) during the Q&A.

While we miss seeing you all in person and sharing coffee and snacks, Zoom is giving us the ability to reach out to a wider audience – a small silver lining to the cloud during these challenging times.

Save the date: August 22nd for our next meeting. Ray Goldsworthy, Associate Professor of Research Otolaryngology at USC will be speaking to us. Ray is a cochlear implant wearer and, therefore, “gets us” and devotes his research to rehabilitation and other efforts to improve our lives. Please join us for what will be an engaging meeting!

Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

2020 Convention is Coming Soon!

HLAA National Convention

It may seem a long ways away, but it will soon be June which is the month the annual HLAA Convention is held. This year it will be in the magical city of New Orleans from June 18-21. Early bird registration is now open until March 2 so if you are planning on attending, now might be a good time to take action (further information below).

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Fun Times at our Annual Holiday Party!

We had another successful HLAA Holiday Party at the beautiful home of Heather & Frank Lehr just over a week ago. The crowd was a great mix of long-time members as well as a number of new guests who are interested in what HLAA has to offer. We enjoyed turkey and ham, as well as several delicious side dishes supplied by Urban Plates. Kudos to the staff at Urban Plate for comping our salads and bread! And thank you, Heather and Frank, for the spiked punch!

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Holiday Party Reminder!

Don’t forget our holiday party is coming up!

If you haven’t rsvp’d yet, please do so if you have interest to join our holiday party scheduled for


Saturday, December 14 at Heather’s home from roughly 6pm-9pm.

It’s always a great time filled with good food, company, and getting to know people who “get it” when it comes to the daily challenges and struggles with hearing loss. An invite was emailed to our members but if you haven’t received one, no worries! Just email us at and note the following:

  • How many people are coming, including yourself.
  • Let us know if you did or did not receive the holiday invite.
  • Note: Further information will be provided upon your rsvp, including address for the party and additional information to be aware of.

Hope to see you there!

November Meeting to Remember – 15 Years!

What a celebration we had yesterday in honor of our chapter’s 15th anniversary!

Many thanks to Wendi Wash for pulling off a fun and interactive trivia game, complete with prizes, raffles and a festive and delicious cake. We are grateful to many of our founders who came from as far away as Riverside and Santa Barbara to celebrate with us, including Kat Burns, Danny Tibbs, Pat Widman and Alicia Fernandez.

You can view the meeting transcript here.

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HLAA-LA is Turning 15 – Come and Celebrate!

HLAA-LA is turning 15!

Celebrating 15 years!Come help us celebrate on Saturday November 2nd as we look back at the history and accomplishments of our chapter over the past decade and a half.

It takes a village to establish and maintain an active functioning group, and we have many people to thank, both those who started and those who have contributed to maintaining our chapter. A special shout out to pioneers Valerie and Willy Stern, Danny Tubbs, Katherine Burns, Alicia Fernandez, Mike Kaplan, and Grace Tiessen for brainstorming the creation of the chapter and securing a meeting location at the Hear Center in Pasadena.

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September 28 Chapter Meeting – Tinnitus Demystified!

Tinnitus Understanding and managing tinnitus with Dr. Sharzad Cohen.

This presentation is designed to explain different theories about the causes of tinnitus and the available therapeutic methods. A review of the recent research about tinnitus and the relationship between tinnitus and hearing loss will be offered. Tinnitus management techniques and instruments will be discussed to eradicate the myth that tinnitus has no solutions!

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