Our very own Katie Wright with her grandson Connor supporting this bill.
Our bill passed by unanimous consent out of Assembly Health! Thank you to everyone who made calls, wrote letters and traveled to Sacramento today to express their support for the bill. Please call and thank Assembly Members on the Health Committee. Next step Assembly Appropriations.
Assembly Bill 598 mandate that private health insurance companies cover the costs of hearing aids for children. Only 1 in 10 children are under health care that provides coverage for hearing aids. Learn more about the bill.
There is also a Facebook page devoted to this important initiative.
Here’s where to find the list of the next assembly members to target:
It’s also appropriate to contact your own assembly member even if s/he is not on the committee. But definitely send postcards, letters, and make phone calls to the committee members
If you don’t know what to say when you call, there’s a script here:
Address to send all correspondence: PO Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 94249