Ken Cluskey Chosen for Hard of Hearing Consumer Representative of TADDAC

From Katherine Burns

We have one more announcement of another member’s wonderful achievement. Ken Cluskey was chosen for the position of Hard of Hearing Consumer Representative for TADDAC (Telecommunications Access for the Deaf and Disabled Administrative Committee). This is the committee that advises the California Public Utilities Commission on programs and services for the deaf, hard of hearing, and other disabled. Several people applied, including me, so it says a lot about Ken that he was chosen.

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Georgia Fleischer Wins Marcia Dugan Advocacy Award

Great news from a member of our chapter! Georgia Fleischer is being awarded the Marcia Dugan Advocacy Award by HLAA National ( The award will be presented at the HLAA Convention in June.
Lisa Yuan shared below what she wrote on the nomination form. There was a word limit – otherwise Lisa would have gone on even further about Georgia’s accomplishments!

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January 2015 Newsletter

Hope you all had a happy New Year! Here is January’s newsletter, also posted here:

This Saturday’s meeting will feature speakers from Otojoy and Loop L.A. ( They will be discussing Loop L.A.’s mission to obtain equal access for individuals with hearing loss by promoting the usage of hearing loop technology. We will also spend some time doing around-the-room introductions and sharing personal goals for 2015.

First Meeting of 2015!

It’s been a long time since we got together, we sure hope to see a lot of you on the 24th.

We are starting the new year with a bang. The first part of the meeting will be a presentation about looping by Kase Martis  on behalf of the Loop LA campaign.  Loop LA’s mission is to obtain equal access for individuals with hearing loss by promoting the usage of hearing loop technology.  The California Communications Access Foundation funded a similar movement (Loop Santa Barbara) which resulted in over 40 new hearing loops in the region:

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