March 2015 Meeting Transcripts
Please see the link below to review the transcript from our March 2015 chapter meeting.
Please see the link below to review the transcript from our March 2015 chapter meeting.
It’s that time again! Our next meeting is THIS Saturday March 28th. We have a terrific meeting planned. Hope most of you can make it.
We are having our annual garage sale Saturday, April 11 from 7 to 2! Please save the date! The garage sale will take place on Brookfield Road in Chatsworth, at the home of Ram and Sharmilla Krishnan.
If you are able to help out, we need you!!
Hello everyone. Please click here to see the February 2015 meeting transcripts.
Hi everyone. Click here to see the February newsletter.
Hope to see many of you at the February 28th chapter meeting. We will have a rap session on the stigma of hearing loss. We hope it will be a lively discussion!
As always, we’ll have coffee and refreshments, and the meeting will be captioned and looped.
Have a great week and see you Saturday!
From Katherine Burns
Meeting transcripts, thanks to Jane, from our January 2015 meeting.
January 2015 Meeting Transcripts
Hope you all had a happy New Year! Here is January’s newsletter, also posted here:
This Saturday’s meeting will feature speakers from Otojoy and Loop L.A. ( They will be discussing Loop L.A.’s mission to obtain equal access for individuals with hearing loss by promoting the usage of hearing loop technology. We will also spend some time doing around-the-room introductions and sharing personal goals for 2015.