July 22 Chapter Meeting
We have a lot to look forward to at our July meeting! First off, we haven’t had a meeting for several months so it will be great to get back into the routine. But even more exciting…
View our past and upcoming meetings focused on topics pertaining to hearing loss. Meetings are held online to provide information, advocacy, and support for those who need help or have a family member struggling with hearing loss.
We have a lot to look forward to at our July meeting! First off, we haven’t had a meeting for several months so it will be great to get back into the routine. But even more exciting…
We have a real treat for our March chapter meeting: special guest speaker Sgt. Dan Widman, 23-year veteran of the LAPD, currently the Field Operations Supervisor, North Hollywood Division, AND the son of our very own President Pat Widman! Sgt. Widman will speak to us about a very important topic: how to interact with Law Enforcement when you have a hearing loss.
The start of the 2017 HLAA-LA Chapter year got off to a great start at our new Huntington Hospital home! Finding the conference room for the meeting proved to be a little challenging but with the nearly full room of participants, it looked like people found their way just fine.
We’re kicking off 2017 with a presentation from audiologist Jeff Grama, who’s been a good friend to HLAA for many years. Jeff will update us on the latest hearing aid technology and trends. Jeff is a great audiologist (many of our members are satisfied clients!), and can answer any of your audiology-related questions as well.
Remember – this is the first meeting in our NEW MEETING SPACE: the East Room of the Wingate Building at the Huntington Memorial Hospital, 100 W. California Ave, Pasadena.
Our annual rap session is the perfect way to kick off the holiday season, as we discuss how to get through the holiday season with hearing loss. This year, we’ll engage in some role playing — acting out possible scenarios to help illustrate communication and coping strategies. It should be fun and educational, so please join us! Feel free to bring a dish, dessert or beverages for our potluck lunch following the meeting. Meeting newsletter can be viewed here.
Dr. Brad Ingrao – an audiologist with 25 years of diagnosing, dispensing, and teaching experience – was a contributing writer for the recently published book Making Music with Hearing Loss.
After 12 years, we are excited to announce that we are relocating our meetings!
We had a great meeting today, hosted by Hamilton Relay and California Phones. I’m attaching the meeting transcripts, thanks to our speedy captionist Melodie. A big thank you to Debra Rogers from Hamilton Relay, who did most of the planning for the meeting, gave a great presentation, AND brought us coffee and food!
We haven’t had a rap session for awhile, so thought it would be a good time to get back to what we do best – offer mutual support, understanding and compassion.