A Joyous 2016 Holiday Party!

It was a happening holiday party filled with fun, laughter and much needed catching up with friends we just don’t get to see enough of. As usual, Danny was our White Elephant host providing laughter and interesting insights to the various gifts received. Even without a loop! Any many thanks to Heather Lehr for opening up her wonderful home to the vast array of foods and invasion of numerous people. As far as we can tell, everyone was recognizable so no party crashers!

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Our next chapter meeting – November 19th

Surviving the Holidays with Hearing Loss – Rap Session & Potluck!

Our annual rap session is the perfect way to kick off the holiday season, as we discuss how to get through the holiday season with hearing loss. This year, we’ll engage in some role playing — acting out possible scenarios to help illustrate communication and coping strategies. It should be fun and educational, so please join us! Feel free to bring a dish, dessert or beverages for our potluck lunch following the meeting. Meeting newsletter can be viewed here.

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Memorial Day Weekend Pool Party & BBQ Fun!

It was a fun time during the annual HLAA-LA Memorial Day party with beautiful weather. A great turnout showed up to catch up on the latest a greatest news with everyone. It was actually hard to say hi to everyone with so many people and great food! Especially rewarding was to see some folks we don’t get to see as often as we would like so a great environment all around.

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Walk4Hearing – Coming June 11!

The HLAA Walk4Hearing began in 2006 with just 6 walks and a dream of raising awareness for the hearing loss community. Ten years later, 22 walks around the country have made HLAA’s Walk4Hearing one of the largest fundraising events for people with hearing loss. Besides funds, the walks bring much-needed visibility to an often invisible condition. Please join other Southern Californians as we walk for the common goal of raising funds and awareness to the hearing loss community.

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