September 23 Chapter Meeting – Hearing Assistive Technology Presentation!

With so much technology out there these days, it’s easy to get overwhelmed! That’s why both our September and October meetings will focus on hearing assistive technology (HAT) and how it can benefit you. 

At our September 23 meeting, our guest speaker will be Katie Wright, president of the Long Beach/Lakewood HLAA chapter, who recently completed the N-CHATT (Network of Consumer Hearing Assistive Technology Trainers) program through HLAA National. Katie will discuss how we can use HAT to support our individual hearing and communication needs at home, work, school, and the community. Please join us for this informative presentation!

At our October 28 chapter meeting, we’ll keep the tech theme going by having a “Technology Show and Tell.” We’ll ask members to bring in, or share about, a specific technology or strategy that works for them. This could be a phone app, a specific listening device, or a workplace communication tool. The best way we learn is from each other!

Meeting Details

Our meetings take place East Room of the Wingate Building at the Huntington Memorial Hospital, 100 W. California Ave, Pasadena.

Click here for a map and follow these directions to help you get to the East Room:

PLEASE NOTE: If you cannot or do not wish to walk up or down steps, here are two alternate routes to get to the entrance of the Wingate Building:

1. Use the valet parking at the main entrance of the hospital on California Blvd. Walk through the main hospital building, down the ADA accessible ramp into the courtyard, and enter the Wingate Building.

2. Park in the East Parking Structure. Walk across the street and enter the emergency room doors to your right at the bottom of the stairs. Take the elevator to the 2nd floor, which will let you off near the hospital’s main entrance. Take the ADA accessible ramp into the courtyard, and enter the Wingate Building.

As always, the meeting will be looped and captioned.

When: 10 am-12 noon, September 23, 2017. Doors open at 9:30 am.

Where: Huntington Memorial Hospital, East Room, Wingate Building, Pasadena, CA 91105.

Click here for upcoming meeting schedule!