See Ya Pandemic!

Post celebration after the great Walk4Hearing event.
Leave it to HLAA-LA to live up to its reputation as the party chapter!! Just days before the full lifting of pandemic restrictions, the gang was already out getting their pride on.
HLAA-Los Angeles officially said goodbye to the pandemic by hosting their first IRL meeting in over a year. And what better reason to meet than the annual Walk for Hearing?
Gathering at past president Heather Lehr’s house, our community got together bright and early in the sun-lit garden. After many hugs and exclamations of, “I can’t believe you are real!” and, “Is this what you look like outside of a Zoom screen?” they collected on the porch to watch the HLAA Walk for Hearing Live Presentation. Bagels and donuts were consumed and the highlight of the gathering was meeting Fergus the 7th, Sharon Swerdlow’s new hearing dog. Much slobbering ensued (the dog, not our bagel-eating members).
Then, the intrepid few who decided to brave the heat headed out to The Rose Bowl for a multi-mile hike around the stadium. A few members wanted a more genteel weekend, so they headed out to a brunch of crème Brulee French toast and cappuccinos at Julienne. San Marino is the Paris of LA, right? (uh, no)
Not only was the event fun, our awesome LA Stars team got a shout-out during the video presentation for being the top team in Southern California. Special thanks are due to Walk for Hearing Team Captain, Jackie Gayer, for all her hard work and effective arm twisting.
And this is just the beginning of the fun events coming in the next couple of months. Keep checking this site to learn more and join in. We missed you!!
- Getting ready for our virtual Walk4Hearing!
- Many people shared stories of support and encouragement. Go Connor from Connor’s Beach Buddies!
- Tim and Arlene catching up
- Group shot
- Great to see everyone, including for the first time!
- Michelle and Heather
- Tim and Blanca
- Teri and Heather in front of the Rose Bowl
- Post celebration after the great Walk4Hearing event.
- Some of the gang doing the Rose Bowl Walk4Hearing hike.
- Our new chapter mascot – Fergus the 7th!