As 2018 winds down, it means one thing for our chapter.
Party Time!
October – The rap session on the 13th is a full house; thanks to Georgia for hosting. Remember that this takes the place of our regular meeting. If you show up at the library on the 27th, be prepared to be part of the kids Halloween party.
November 3rd – We’ll have our annual “Coping with the Holidays” chapter meeting, 10am-noon (come as early as 9:30) at the library, featuring some skits put together by Sandy Blake and input from all. Then, we’ll start the partying with a potluck lunch. Please bring a dish that can be shared by 8-10 people. RSVP with a hint of your food item to Jen,
December 8th – We’ll close out the year with our fantabulous evening holiday party, once again hosted by The Amazing Grace Tiessen at her beautiful home in Pasadena. Your Steering Committee will provide a catered meal. And, what would be our holiday party without a white elephant gift exchange? Stay tuned for further details!