Watch our July Chapter Presentation!

We had a wonderful presentation and discussion with Pat Dobbs, a highly experienced and knowledgeable resource for understanding the impact of hearing loss on workplace communication, relationships, and trust. Pat has previously helped countless individuals and companies identify best practices to be more inclusive of colleagues with hearing loss and how to be more effective allies. Please watch the YouTube presentation below.

As a bonus, we also have a beautifully done HLAA 2024 Convention slideshow done by our very own Wendi Washington and Valecia Adams. Please have a watch below the YouTube chapter presentation.


Pat Dobbs

Pat Dobbs has an adult-onset hearing loss and today wears bilateral cochlear implants. For the majority of her life she jokingly referred to herself as a “professional bluffer”  – meaning she kept her hearing loss in the closet.

Now she openly talks about it and started two HLAA chapters, one in NJ and the other in Maine and is president of the international online support organization

Today her passion is to bring awareness of hearing loss to the workplace through She does this through presentations, workshops and coaching.

Succeeding in the Workplace with Hearing Loss Presentation

HLAA 2024 Convention Slideshow