New Chapter Meeting – March 28
It’s that time again! Our next meeting is THIS Saturday March 28th. We have a terrific meeting planned. Hope most of you can make it.
FYI We start off with a great guest speaker, Jeff Grama, who many of you already know (and love!). Jeff has over 35 years of audiology and hearing aid dispensing experience and will be presenting about the latest in hearing aid and assistive listening technology. He will also touch on brain conditioning and memory techniques for people with hearing loss. You don’t want to miss what’s sure to be a truly informative discussion!
We also have lots to discuss and share. Everything from our Garage Sale on April 11th, ADA Celebration with Richard Ray on April 25th, Memorial Day BBQ/Party on May 24th, Walk4Hearing on June 6th and much, much more…come ready to catch up, speak up, and help us plan these fun events!
So please come ready to learn, ask, chat and of course TO EAT! Please bring something to have and to share. There will be a kitty jar for donations, but it’s always more fun to taste the treats folks bring in. We start with food and socializing at 9:30. The meeting starts promptly at 10am and lasts until noon, and we have a break in the middle.
**There will be a Steering Committee Meeting right after our regular meeting. It’s for SC members, but anybody is welcome to stay and watch our discussions.
Some reminders:
- Please consider inviting someone new to the meeting OR reaching out to an existing member who has been away for a while. Also, remember that your loved ones are always welcome.
- We appreciate your help in keeping the Hear Center in pristine condition. We are welcome in the kitchen area, conference room and bathrooms. The rest of the building needs to be kept clear. All help setting up in the morning and/or cleaning up after the meeting will be greatly appreciated.
As always, we meet at the Hear Center, 301 E. Del Mar Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91101. Please use the side door.
If you have any questions, just post them here! Hope to see you in five days. Have a terrific week.
Best, Alicia VP