Meetings & Events

Los Angeles ChapterThe primary purpose of HLAA-Los Angeles is to empower our community of people with hearing loss through information, education, advocacy, and support. You no longer need to be alone with hearing loss!

At the bi-monthly meetings, chapter members and visitors have an opportunity to learn from expert guest speakers, ask questions, participate in interactive rap sessions, communicate about their experiences, participate in social events, and meet others who live with this challenging condition.

Note: As we continue to monitor the Covid situation in Los Angeles, we are continuing to have virtual meetings on a bi-monthly basis with social events planned between meetings.


We welcome anyone, whether you are adjusting to a new hearing loss or have had one all your life; if you wear hearing aids, cochlear implants, or are getting by without any equipment at all. Professionals, college students, retirees, veterans, spouses, and parents/families of children with hearing loss are all encouraged to join our chapter.


A wide range of hearing loss-related topics are addressed at meetings, such as hearing health, assistive technology, communication tips, coping strategies, and personal/professional/government advocacy. If there is an area of particular interest to you, please do not hesitate to submit your suggestions to our Steering Committee for future consideration!

Meeting Information

HLAA-LA chapter meetings are held online via Zoom meetings and presentations.


We meet the 4th Saturday of the month, with some exceptions for holiday schedules and hospital events. Click here for a summary of our past meetings and our homepage for our calendar. Please make sure you are signed up to received our chapter email and communication. You’ll see the sign-up form on the right side of each page.


10:00 a.m. to 11 a.m. Meetings start promptly at 10:00 a.m.


In order to ensure that everyone is included, all our meetings have live captioning in real time.

We look forward to seeing—and hearing—from you soon!