Learn Everything you Need to Know About Canine Companions

close up of a canine companion puppyWe had an engaging and informative presentation during our November 23 chapter meeting showcasing Canine Companions. Sarah Nigoghossian, senior instructor at SWR, provided a full overview of Canine Companions, their services, and how you might qualify. Watch the video presentation below.


Explore and learn about the life-changing impact of service dogs with Canine Companions. Since 1975, Canine Companions has provided expertly trained service dogs to adults, children, and veterans with disabilities—all at no cost. This includes supporting the hearing loss community. Could you or someone you care about potentially benefit from a Canine Companions service dog? Learn more below.


Sarah Nigoghossian​​​​, Senior Instructor at Canine Companions®

email: snigoghossian@canine.org

website: www.canine.org
