HLAA 2017 Convention – Getting An Early Start

(our very own Tim Browning joined in the HLAA 2017 Convention festivities a day early. Here’s his recap)

After an uneventful early flight from Burbank to Salt Lake City, which is a very good thing, I arrived at the airport. Luggage was waiting and had an easy walk over to the Light Rail Green Line that would journey me on a 20 minute scenic ride through downtown Salt Lake to my Little America Hotel. The city is clean and pretty so it was an enjoyable ride and all for $2.50! The only downside was it was a toasty 95 degrees out but my deodorant held up (I think).

After unpacking and grabbing a healthy lunch at a local organic sandwich/salad place, I headed over to the Salt Palace Convention Center. Got a little lost due to a lack of directional signs but some morning attendees noticed my confused and lost behavior and helped me. I mentioned I often look confused and lost but they still walked me to the main entrance. Checked in, got some convention goodies, met some nice folks from all over the country, and then settled in for the afternoon chapter building session focusing on Leadership.

Entrance to the Convention Center (or so we thought…)

The session was “Leadership is Intentional Influence” by JD Taylor. A very intriguing full 3-hour session that discusses the differences between what people say versus what they actually do. For example, chapter volunteers may commit and intend to do good deeds for the chapter, but often they over-commit and eventually can’t fulfill what they intended too. It was also shared how critical it is for us to follow and analyze the six sources of influences based on a person’s motivation and ability before we jump to conclusions about that person and their actions. Better known as “Fundamental Attribution Error” which some of you may recognize as a preconceived belief about someone without all the facts and information. More on this to come later but for now, the next time you are cut off on the freeway, don’t just assume that driver is being a jerk.

It was a full day so I retired with some dinner and relaxation, and a few pictures to share – including a view of downtown Salt Lake from my room!

It will be a very busy few days coming up during the convention so more to come when time permits!

With the convention really getting underway on Thursday, now the fun really begins!