HOPE Meeting Brings New Faces and Heartfelt Stories: A Family of Support

Jamie, Alison, and GeorgiaIt was standing-room only at our Hearing Other People’s Experiences (HOPE) meeting on February 22, where about 15 people gathered, including several new to HLAA. Attendees shared their heartfelt hearing loss stories and supported each other for two hours and many stayed afterwards to continue the conversation, while enjoying the brunch feast provided by our “hostess with the mostess” Georgia Fleischer. The theme of our sharing seemed to be “We are all family and never alone.”

Wendi and friend at the chapter HOPE meetingHLAA National even sent a photographer to shoot some photos for their upcoming magazine and other channels, with Communications representative and longtime HLAA-LA member Teri Breier present to relay the latest updates.


Participate in an Upcoming USC Cochlear Implant Study!

USC Logo
The USC Bionic Ear Lab is conducting a new study supported by Advanced Bionics Corporation. We are looking for bilateral cochlear implant users that use Advanced Bionics devices. The study takes three hours for initial testing at Advanced Bionics headquarters in Valencia, CA. Participants will be compensated $100 for their time. We are primarily recruiting participants for the week of February 24th, but we can extend the testing window up till the week of March 10th.

If you are interested, please contact study coordinator, Matthew Ardis, at ma_559@usc.edu or study Principal Investigator, Ray Goldsworthy, at rgoldswo@usc.edu.

Los Angeles Chapter Celebrates 20 Years with a Joyous Holiday Party

The Los Angeles Chapter marked a significant milestone this holiday season by celebrating its 20th anniversary with a festive gathering that brought together over 50 members and guests. Held at the beautiful home of Heather and Frank, the event combined the spirit of the holidays with a heartfelt tribute to two decades of supporting the local hearing loss community

Honoring Two Decades of Dedication

Chapter presidents - Heather, Wendi (current), Valerie, and Malik.

Chapter presidents – Heather, Wendi (current), Valerie, and Malik.

The party celebrated past presidents, notable chapter members, supportive families, and our 2024-25 Young Adult Ambassador. Collectively, the gathering was perfect to honor the chapter’s rich history and its contributions over the years. Everyone who attended underscored the enduring impact of the chapter’s work and its ability to foster a sense of belonging and purpose within the hearing loss community.

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Learn Everything you Need to Know About Canine Companions

close up of a canine companion puppyWe had an engaging and informative presentation during our November 23 chapter meeting showcasing Canine Companions. Sarah Nigoghossian, senior instructor at SWR, provided a full overview of Canine Companions, their services, and how you might qualify. Watch the video presentation below.


Explore and learn about the life-changing impact of service dogs with Canine Companions. Since 1975, Canine Companions has provided expertly trained service dogs to adults, children, and veterans with disabilities—all at no cost. This includes supporting the hearing loss community. Could you or someone you care about potentially benefit from a Canine Companions service dog? Learn more below.


Sarah Nigoghossian​​​​, Senior Instructor at Canine Companions®

email: snigoghossian@canine.org

website: www.canine.org


Save the Date – Learn About Wendi’s Lifelong Journey

Wendi Washington presenting


On Saturday, September 21 at 9 a.m. PT, our chapter president, Wendi Washington, will share a touching presentation. Wendi will chronicle and discuss lifelong discoveries from her own personal experience with hearing loss.

Please plan to join our friends from the Essex County Chapter in New Jersey led by our chapter friend and previous presenter, Dr. Latisha Porter-Vaughn.

Date: Saturday, September 21
Time: 9 a.m. PT
(On Zoom – join at the time of the presentation)


Meeting ID: 820 5547 1466
Passcode: 084733

Are you Hearing Spooky Sounds? Join our Next Chapter Presentation

When: Saturday, September 28
Time: 10-11 a.m PT
Place: On Zoom

Topic: Musical Ear Syndrome and Audio Pareidolia—Unraveling the Mystery of the Phantom Voices, Ethereal Music & Other Spooky Sounds Many Hard of Hearing People Secretly Experience

Note: You will receive the meeting link after you register

Please put on your calendar to join us on Saturday, September 28, for an interesting and unique presentation on the unusual “spooky” sounds hard of hearing people experience.

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Watch our July Chapter Presentation!

We had a wonderful presentation and discussion with Pat Dobbs, a highly experienced and knowledgeable resource for understanding the impact of hearing loss on workplace communication, relationships, and trust. Pat has previously helped countless individuals and companies identify best practices to be more inclusive of colleagues with hearing loss and how to be more effective allies. Please watch the YouTube presentation below.

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Embracing the Journey – Watch Today!

Embracing your hearing loss journey

Embracing the Journey: Conquering Hearing Loss with a Growth Mindset held on May 25, 2023

We had many in attendance who attended our “Embracing the Journey: Conquering Hearing Loss with a Growth Mindset” presentation with Dr. Latisha Porter-Vaughn. It was an engaging and empowering experience for all who attended. But if you were not able to attend or who like to watch the recording, please watch below or from our HLAA-LA YouTube channel. And don’t forget to subscribe to our channel!

Overview: This Zoom meeting explored the challenges and triumphs associated with hearing loss. We all know the struggles and challenges faced with hearing loss and it can be overwhelming at times. Dr. Porter-Vaughn shared how you can learn to build a growth mindset leading to mastery over such challenges.

Don’t forget to forward and share this with your family and friends. Everyone is impacted by hearing loss and could benefit from this recording!

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