April Meeting Transcripts and Summary

Thank you Debra for the great presentation to learn more about Hamilton Relay and California Phones!
We had a great meeting today, hosted by Hamilton Relay and California Phones. I’m attaching the meeting transcripts, thanks to our speedy captionist Melodie. A big thank you to Debra Rogers from Hamilton Relay, who did most of the planning for the meeting, gave a great presentation, AND brought us coffee and food!
For more information about California Phones, a program of the DDTP (Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program), which offers free telephone communications access for people with hearing loss, visit their website: http://ddtp.cpuc.ca.gov/. For more information on Hamilton Captel, check out their website: http://www.hamiltonrelay.com/captel/state.html. If you have additional questions about Hamilton Relay, you can also email Debra directly at debra.rogers@hamiltonrelay.com/.
Also, just a reminder about our upcoming meetings. There is no May meeting…as we’re having a Memorial Day weekend PARTY instead. Hope to see many of you at Kat & Danny’s for pool party/BBQ on May 28, starting around noon. We’ll be posting more about it on our website and the Yahoo group in the next couple of weeks so keep on the lookout. As for June, there will be a meeting on the 4th Saturday as usual (June 25), but all our SC members will be away at the HLAA Convention in DC. In our absence, Wendi Washington will be leading a rap session – topic TBA. Please let us know if you can help Wendi out with set up and clean up for the meeting.