April 11 Garage Sale – Volunteers Needed
We are having our annual garage sale Saturday, April 11 from 7 to 2! Please save the date! The garage sale will take place on Brookfield Road in Chatsworth, at the home of Ram and Sharmilla Krishnan.
If you are able to help out, we need you!!
1. We need your HELP!
On the day of the sale, we need people to arrive early to help set up, and people to help clean up afterward. Set up crew would begin around 6am. Clean up will take place probably from 1:30 to 2:30. We also need extra hands throughout the day to help make sales and help keep things organized. Donuts and coffee for all morning volunteers! Please respond to this email if you are able to help out anytime that day.
2. We need your STUFF!
We need your donated items to sell at the garage sale. Collectibles, clothes, books, furniture, anything! Your junk is another man’s treasure. Receipts will be provided upon request for tax purposes. Whatever is not bought at the sale will be donated to charity.
You can bring items to the March meeting. Alternatively, we’ll post instructions in the weeks to come regarding dropping off items at Ram’s home.
PLEASE help us out if you can! This is one of our biggest fundraisers every year and helps pay for ongoing expenses like captioning at our meetings. Basically, it helps keep our chapter going.