Webinar – Using Your Smartphone as an Assistive Listening Device

Hi Everyone,

I saw Perry Hanavan, Aud’s webinar last week on using your smartphone as an ALD and it was really interesting. I don’t know how many of you saw it but if you didn’t, it was impressive and I thought I would share my notes with you. You can also see the webinar on the main HLAA website.

He basically talked about the use of speech to text apps for the smartphone and tablets. I particularly liked his analogy of the smartphone to the swiss army knife in all the possible applications. There was SO much information and there were several that he just “knew” about so didn’t know how well they worked. As a technologically challenged person, I can’t vouch for any of these!

The following is a list of all the ones that he talked about:
  • Speak it (for android only)
  • Live Caption (3.99)
  • Deaf Hearing Chat (3.99)
  • Dragon Dictate
  • MIMI (only for apple)
  • Petralex
  • Jacoti (apple)
  • Tap Tap (2.99)
  • My eardroid
  • Otosense
There are two apps for sign language/text and one for speechreading:
  • Uni Pro (sign language to text)
  • Mimix (speech to sign language)
  • BALDI (speechreading for apple)
And for fire alarms
  • Roost
  • Smart Smoke (you can buy a special battery for it)